Team Leader

Carlin Thoma


“Nothing is impossible!” replies Carolin Thoma if others say something can't be done. Carolin believes firmly in customer orientation, even if she occasionally employs unconventional means to achieve her goal. She is also uncompromising in tackling complex projects and never loses sight of what is really significant. Even when times are turbulent at Commax, we know we can rely 100 % on Carolin. Carolin embraces the challenge of new tasks – and there is no shortage of these. “I never get bored here, and that's exactly what I'm looking for.”


  • Trainee assistant for office communications at Commax
  • Edith-Stein-Gymnasium upper secondary school, Abitur school leaving certificate

Professional experience

  • Team leader project management, Commax Consulting GmbH & Co. KG
  • Manager of Candidate Relations, Hays Finance GmbH, Düsseldorf
  • Project assistant, Commax Consulting GmbH & Co. KG

Authority on

  • Project management
  • Planning, organisation and realisation of events
  • Customer dialogue and correspondence
  • Project and budget evaluations