General Manager P.P. & Shareholder


“The key to further development and personal growth is an open attitude as a person”, says Robert Götz. Openness to new ideas and thoughts, and openness towards other people and changes. If we close ourselves off, we simultaneously shut out all the opportunities which changes open up for us. “Boundaries frequently need to be crossed or redefined to identify the opportunities change processes present and achieve the goals associated with these”, says the trainer and consultant. In particular, his solution-oriented approach enables Robert to generate the required openness, clarity, movement and readiness for change among his participants.


  • Industrial engineer (FH)
  • Technical business economist
  • Certified mechanical technician

Professional experience

  • Senior consultant and partner in Commax Consulting GmbH & Co. KG
  • Senior consultant and trainer at Commax Consulting GmbH & Co. KG
  • Consultant and trainer at Commax Consulting GmbH & Co. KG
  • Freelance trainer, coach and consultant, RG Training
  • Trainer since 2002 in adult vocational training
  • Many years of experience as a manager in medium-sized enterprises
  • Technical consulting and sales

Additional qualifications

  • Systemic business coach (PCA)
  • DiSG® instructor, authorised partner, Everything DiSG®(A Wiley Brand)
  • Certified DiSG® trainer
  • Accreditation for Human Synergistics Life Styles Inventory™
  • Trainer qualification, Team Schuster Consulting
  • Qualified and authorised mountain guide

Authority on

  • Hybrid training formats
  • Blended learning concepts
  • Digital learning media
  • Management and sales training
  • Executive coaching
  • Change management
  • Team and organisational development
  • Strategic personnel development