Die Coachingforschung im Newsletter der Harvard Medical School


Die Harvard Medical School (Institute of Coaching) hat eine research dose zur Coachingforschung von unserem wissenschaftlichen Beirat, Carsten Schermuly, zu Nebenwirkungen verfasst und in ihrem Newsletter veröffentlicht.

Das sind ihre wichtigsten Take-aways:

1. Focus on creating high-quality relationships with clients to minimize the impact of negative effects.

2. Explain to clients that negative effects are a natural and normal part of the coaching process, and are rarely serious, typically short-lived, and can turn into positive effects.

3. Be ready and prepared for the most common negative effects – triggering in-depth problems, conflicts with supervisors, or dependency on coach.

4. Provide supervision for inexperienced coaches.

5. Encourage organizations to allow later client follow-up so that the coach can experience and learn from longer term impact.

6. Make self-care a priority.

7. Don’t worry about stalking – it’s rare, much rarer than for psychotherapists.

Mehr zur Harvard Medical School finden Sie hier.


/Carsten Schermuly, wissenschaftlicher Beirat